Psalm 118:24 & 29

"This is the day the LORD has made; I will REJOICE and BE GLAD in it! Give THANKS to the LORD, for He is GOOD; His love endures FOREVER!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Gone is the Month of February...

Notice, I did this last month is traveling way too fast and before I know it, a whole month has gone by without me blogging! So, a synopsis of my February...

Snow, snow, snow. Really, it's pretty, BUT I am so over it. I think I may cry if it snows again before spring, and that is highly likely living here in northern Indiana. I am super pumped for warmth!

My summer plans have been solidified! I will be working through the hospital up here at school and doing in-home cardiac rehab for the elderly. Yes, I am just a tad bit excited :)

I turned 21...another year older which means one year closer to "becoming a responsible adult" - scary to say the least, but exciting all the same.

Spring break is in session as I type. No, I did not go anywhere warm, but that's fine with me...a week with family, no schoolwork, and sleeping in is all I need!

And, last but certainly not least, the countdown til summer has officially started: 8 weeks!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Gone is the Month of January...

so it is DEFINITELY time for another post; it has nearly been a month since my last post! There are so many things I want to write about, so please be patient with me as I ramble through such a random post.

First, I am SO anxious for summer! Actually, spring would be fine with me. I am tired of cold and snow. I was grateful for the snow last week as seeing the "blizzard" gave us a snow day, but now spring can be here. I am ready to enjoy the outside. To walk leisurely to class. To step outside for fresh air. To relax outside and do nothing. For the sun to shine. For the grass to be green. For new leaves on the trees. And for all the little creatures that live on campus to show themselves again. To put away winter clothes and break out the flip flops. I am definitely a sucker for warm weather!

Second, I am SHOCKED by how fast this semester is going by! I am also pleasantly surprised by how easy my classes are (fingers crossed!) Last semester was my hardest one yet, so I am definitely enjoying a less stressful, more enjoyable semester filled with classes that I love. When thinking about the rest of the semester, I only have 3 more months left of the school year! Then...hello summer followed by my last semester of college!

Third, speaking of last semester of college...the reality of that freaks me out a little. By this time next year, I will be forced to be a grown up. What does that all entail even?! I don't know, but what I do know is that I need to learn the logistics of what being a grown up is or else life may be a little scary for a while.

Fourth, becoming a grown up means getting a "real" job. Finally...making money instead of dumping your bank account into education. I am SO excited for this new chapter in life. I actually have an interview tomorrow for a possible summer job that may lead me to advance in the medical field once I graduate. I am super excited and extremely nervous; I am excited about all the opportunities God has in store for me, yet, being interrogated by doctors and possible future employers is in no way fun. However, I have prepared as much as I can and I am relying fully on God to guide me through this; His will is perfect, so we'll see what happens!

Fifth, it is so exciting to see God working in several areas that are tangent to my life. I find myself quite possibly the closest to my Lord than I have ever been and it has been enjoyable to say the least. An unexplainable joy consumes me and I love it! I am growing and learning so much which is very encouraging.

Well, that's all the rambling I have in me for now. Hopefully, a whole month will not fly by until I write again!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Snow Hater


I am one you would call a snow hater. Sure, give me a white Christmas - start snowing at midnight on Christmas Eve and then be gone the day after Christmas...but that is it!

Being up in northern Indiana, we get lots of lake effect snow...too much sometimes. For example, this weekend we got 34 inches. Yep, you heard me...34 INCHES!!! And wait, there's more, an expected 8-10 inches by Wednesday.

I guess I better start loving the idea of snow...

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Laughing at Myself After a Freak Out

You know those times when it feels like NOTHING is working out how it's supposed to?? I mean, you try SO hard to make everything run smoothly, but it is just totally out of your control?
Yes, that is how it has been while trying to set up my clinical rotations for school. I had in mind clearly what I wanted to do and what I needed to do in order to set it all up. Email after email, phone call after phone call, I was getting no where. I felt so lost, I didn't know who to contact for help or even advice. I was almost at the point of giving up.
Then, out of nowhere, some clinical instructor that I had never heard of emailed me out of the blue, spelling out clearly in her email what I needed and telling me that she had set everything up for me already! PRAISE JESUS!
That was an email full of relief! Then, after the rush of excitement, I just sat there and laughed at myself. Of course I would freak out when I'm trying to do everything on my own, after all, God is the one who is in control :)

Monday, January 3, 2011

New Years Resolution

Everybody makes them, and very seldom keep them. I usually don't make any New Years Resolutions because I know I am not disciplined enough to keep them. But this year I am...only one:


Yep, that is my ONE New Years Resolution. If I truly face the facts, I am scared to become an adult. So, this year is going to be a year of practicing. I really don't know what that looks like, but I guess I will find out!

I need to be smart and realistic about my future. Not just think about what would be nice, but what would be the most realistic and, most importantly, where God wants me to be.

I need to realize that I am not invincible. I sometimes think that...and am soon reminded by an unfortunate series of events that I am only human. I need rest and cannot do everything. I need to practice saying "no" more often and not burning myself out. I need to prioritize my schedule wisely.

I need to think about others more and not just myself. Whether I like it or not, my decisions also affect others. I need to be aware of their feelings and needs and not just my own.

I also need to grow and mature in my relationship with Christ. Without spiritual growth, I should not expect quality growth in any other aspect of my life.

I need to ask questions. About ANYTHING. Anything that I am unsure about, it doesn't hurt to ask. After all, I may learn something from someone else...a shocker I know :)

So, here goes 2011!

Monday, December 27, 2010


Is my worst enemy.

I struggle with it day in, day out. Which is kind of pathetic. Cause what am I going to do about it by worrying about it? NOTHING. That's the's called uncertainty - not knowing my future. Sounds scary. However, it shouldn't. Why? Cause to God, there is no such thing as uncertainty. And that's all that matters. For God's plans are better than my plans. He knows my WHOLE life and it will ALL turn out for good. So what should I do? Stop worrying!

I love planning, I love thinking about my future, I love dreaming, and most of the time I am up for a little spontaneity. However, if this makes sense, I hate change. Why? Cause it's different, it's something I'm not used to, it's uncomfortable. For as long as I can remember, I regularly find myself thinking, "This time next year I will be..." and it is easy for me to come up with a general idea of what that looks like. However, I was thinking this the other day and I scared myself...I couldn't come up with an answer! The only thing I could think of was that I would be done with college. Yes, only one more year of college! I never thought the end would be in sight. But now it the distant future, but it is very real. And even though it is exciting, it is UNCERTAIN. Cause who knows what I will be doing this time next year? I like to think that I have a general idea. But when I look at it, that is all MY plans and not God's. What does God have in store? Well, He's not telling me that yet. But that's okay, because I have a whole year. And I do know, that whatever it is, it is good. :)

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Crazy Wednesday/Thursday

You know you have a crazy day when you can't take 5 minutes to sit and write about it! Hence the reason today's post is covering both yesterday and today :)

What I accomplished yesterday: Chemistry test (LAST ONE!), LAST Logic lecture, Probability and Statistics project

Today: sleep in :) (a little), Sports in Society homework, Probability and Statistics presentation, LAST Probability and Statistics class, Logic take-home final

Comforting focus of the day: God is my strength in weakness! Whenever I feel at the end of my rope, He always supplies me with strength to persevere. He encourages me through others as well.